Il trattamento del rischio di liquidità nello schema regolamentare di Basilea 3
Liquidity risk played a key role in the outbreak of the 2007 financial crisis. In fact, many financial institutions experienced serious troubles, despite their high capital levels. Until then, the need for a harmonised framework for measuring and managing liquidity risk had been neglected, although it had been largely recognised. Market tensions granted a top priority to this issue on the international agenda, especially when some financial intermediaries shifted into solvency problems.
In December 2010 the Basel Committee on banking supervision published a new regulatory framework, introducing specific quantitative rules for liquidity. These regulations supplement the principles which were issued by the Committee in 2008. Both the quantitative and qualitative standards have the ultimate objective of strengthening liquidity risk management for both banks and supervisors.
This article highlights main implications and open issues of the new rules.