Guidelines for contributors
Submission requirements and review process
Manuscripts can be submitted for publication via email to the Editorial Committee. The Advisory Board or the Editorial Board can submit contributions on behalf of the authors. In either case, an initial review is carried out by the Editorial Board. Essays will undergo double-blind refereeing by two reviewers. Other manuscripts, which qualify as Contributions or Working Papers, will receive a blind review from either the Editorial Board or the Advisory Board.
As for essays, the Editor or the Editorial Board will appoint well-established scholars with experience in the field to act as referees. The director of the Editorial Committee contacts the selected reviewers and sends them an evaluation form and the manuscript without any information about the author. The reviewer will return the evaluation form to the director of the Editorial Committee. The director informs the Editor of the results of the refereeing procedure and if the evaluation is positive the contribution is made ready for online publishing. Submissions that fail to satisfy one of the reviewers may be returned to the Editorial Board who will decide whether to reject the contribution or have it reviewed by a new referee.
The Editorial Board and the director of the Editorial Committee are in charge of the refereeing procedure and the Advisory Board is kept up to date with developments in the procedure.
Up to 2012, refereeing has mostly been carried out by Italian scholars. However, the Editorial Board seeks to extend refereeing to involving international reviewers, since submissions by Italian contributors are being increasingly produced in English.
All submissions published in the Essays section undergo double-bind refereeing, as reported on the first page of the article. All submissions in the Contributions and Working papers section are reviewed by either the Editorial Board or the Advisory Board. The Editorial Board may decide for double-blind refereeing; in such cases, this will reported on the first page of the article.
Starting from 2009, a list of the referees is available, for each year, on the homepage.
Publication requirements
Authors wishing to submit manuscripts are required to comply with the IPEJM’s publication guidelines as in the attached document (IPEJM-Guidelines 2019.pdf). A template for Microsoft Word is available here (IPEJM - Template_2017.doc).
Authors are invited to submit a declaration that their paper is original and previously unpublished.