Per un "discorso sul metodo" (poco cartesiano) nelle discipline economico aziendali
In this article we suggest to come back to a "discourse on the method" in management disciplines (and in economics too), both for better framing and presenting research results, and as an introduction to classes. Topics covered are: the reference to "value judgments" in choosing problems and interrogatives that guide research, and their influence at the hypothesis and theoretical level; the "relative" character of scientific knowledge, both in natural and social science; the typical method of social science that consider both structures and actions and thus is "comprehensive", in the line traced by Max Weber at the beginning of 1900. All of these subjects are covered in the article also because of their limited circulation both in economics and management courses. As an example, in the annexed slides (available in a separate file) the content of a few lessons "on the method" is briefly presented. Such lessons would be a useful introduction to management courses.