La rappresentazione analitica della produzione nel pensiero di P. Saraceno e G. Ceccanti
This paper aims to analyse how P. Saraceno and G. Ceccanti have faced and dealt the subject of the analytical representation of the production, and its main implications. Furthermore, affinities and differences in the thought of the two Authors are put in evidence.
It follows therefore that it must be recognised that in Saraceno there are some interpretative bounds caused by the particular historical period in which his works have been developed.
In the meanwhile, in Saraceno there is a basic and continuous interest towards the “renewal” of the general conceptual formulation. Though this question was never settled by the Author himself, it has laid the basis for further studies of many Authors, like Ceccanti, who never meant to oppose it and, as a matter of fact, have determined a useful re-visitation and evolution of it.