Il marketing territoriale: un nuovo approccio per la competitività sostenibile del territorio

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This paper introduces the strategic and operative tools of “territorial marketing” . These tools could be useful to strengthen the competitiveness of a geographic area and its consequent ability to attract investment and people (talents and/or tourists) from other countries. Also for developing an effective strategy of territorial marketing, the SWOT analysis is quite useful, and it is often used to plan local economic development. The second part of this paper presents a case history around the tourist area of San Felice Circeo, near Rome, Italy and it focuses on the SWOT analysis of this area. This analysis pays particular attention on the understanding not only of these tangible characteristics that are points of strengths or of weaknesses, but also of the intangible characteristics. The overall consideration of the positive and negative characteristics of San Felice Circeo allows, in the third part of the paper, to highlight the “big issues” that have to put at the center of the strategy for the tourist development.