Segnalazioni e Aggiornamenti

[LIBRO] Calabrò A., L’impresa riformista – Lavoro, innovazione, benessere, inclusione, EGEA, 2019

Antonio Calabrò ritorna sul tema dell’evoluzione del modo di produrre e del ruolo dell’industria negli attuali contesti economico-sociali affrontandolo dal punto di vista dell’impresa, che non è solo strumento di crescita economica e di sviluppo ma anche luogo dell’identità e dell’appartenenza, agente essenziale di trasformazione sociale e civile; in altri termini un attore consapevole dei processi di innovazione che dall’economia si allargano alla società ed una risorsa, in tempi di tensioni, rancori, ascensore sociale bloccato e disuguaglianze.

[LIBRO] Guelfi S., Il rendimento economico per l’impresa e gli azionisti, EGEA, 2019

La misurazione delle performance economico-finanziarie, da sempre tema essenziale per orientare i processi decisionali, deve fare i conti con l’accelerazione della complessità della competizione. Ciò richiede di integrare i classici indicatori con KPIs capaci di dare visibilità all’impatto delle scelte manageriali oltre il breve termine, al profilo dei rischi economici e finanziari, alla distinzione tra risultati strategici e operativi, alle specifiche determinanti delle performance.

[LIBRO] Aulet B., La disciplina dell’imprenditore. 24 passi per una startup di successo, Franco Angeli, 2019

Startupper seriale e “accademico accidentale” al MIT di Boston. Bill Aulet appartiene ad una categoria non molto frequentata dalle nostre parti, così come non fanno parte del nostro lessico e dei nostri approcci in tema di creazione di impresa quelli maturati negli ecosistemi dell’innovazione americani. I 24 passi proposti dall’Autore per fare start up sfatano alcuni miti. Tra questi: conta non il singolo imprenditore ma il team, non conta il carisma ma contano le capacità di gestione, non è la tecnologia a fare la differenza ma la commercializzazione.

[ARTICOLO] Hult, G. T. M., Sharma, P. N., Morgeson III, F. V., & Zhang, Y. (2019). Antecedents and Consequences of Customer Satisfaction: Do They Differ Across Online and Offline Purchases?, Journal of Retailing, Vol. 95, No. 1, pp. 10-23

Retailers seek to utilize both online and offline purchase channels strategically to satisfy customers and thrive in the marketplace. Unfortunately, current multichannel research is deficient in answering what drives customers’ satisfaction, and consequently their loyalty, differently when customers purchase online versus at a physical store. This gap in knowledge can be a significant concern for retailers due to the negative impact of having dissatisfied customers on their bottom lines.

[ARTICOLO] Blessing, G. and Natter, M. (2019), “Do Mystery Shoppers Really Predict Customer Satisfaction and Sales Performance?”, Journal of Retailing, in press

Mystery shopping (MS) is a widely used tool to monitor the quality of service and personal selling. In consultative retail settings, assessments of mystery shoppers are supposed to capture the most relevant aspects of salespeople’s service and sales behaviour. Given the important conclusions drawn by managers from MS results, the standard assumption seems to be that assessments of mystery shoppers are strongly related to customer satisfaction and sales performance. However, surprisingly scant empirical evidence supports this assumption.

[ARTICOLO] Li, L., Lin, Y. L., Zheng, N. N., Wang, F. Y., Liu, Y., Cao, D., ... & Huang, W. L. (2018). Artificial intelligence test: a case study of intelligent vehicles. Artificial Intelligence Review, Vol. 50, No. 3, pp. 441-465

To meet the urgent requirement of reliable artificial intelligence applications, Authors discuss the tight link between artificial intelligence and intelligence test in this study. Thus, they highlight the role of tasks in intelligence test for all kinds of artificial intelligence. As a matter of fact, Authors explain the necessity and difficulty of describing tasks for intelligence test, checking all the tasks that may encounter in intelligence test, designing simulation-based test, and setting appropriate test performance evaluation indices.

[ARTICOLO] Tardivo, G., Bresciani, S., & Viassone, M. (2017). A descriptive framework for an excellent social accountability. International Journal of Managerial and Financial Accounting, Vol. 9, No. 2, pp. 166-181

Despite the creation of several guidelines for social accountability, there is not a model able to describe how a social accountability document should be. This paper aims at proposing a framework of characteristics for excellent social reports, useful for those organisations that choose the path of social accountability. After a review of literature on the typologies and features of this kind of accountability, the paper analyses the Italian social accountability awarded in the period 2012-2015.

[ARTICOLO] Orsingher, C. and Wirtz, J. (2018), “Psychological drivers of referral reward program effectiveness. Journal of Services Marketing”, Vol. 32, N. 3, pp. 256-268

Empirical research presents conflicting findings with regards to the effectiveness of referral reward programs (RRPs) and supports two alternative and conflicting views on the effectiveness of incentivizing recommendations. They are, first, a positive effect via perceived attractiveness of the incentive, and second, a negative effect via metaperception of the recommendation. Thus, Authors examine these two opposing psychological mechanisms to reconcile the conflicting findings.

[ARTICOLO] Youssef, K. B., Viassone, M. and Kitchen, P. (2018), “Exploring the relationship between customer education and customer satisfaction”, Sinergie, 105 (Jan-Apr)

It is six to seven times more expensive to gain a new customer than retain a current one. Yet, based on the marketing concept, customer satisfaction is the lifeblood of a business.
The present research has a dual objective, first of all, it explores how to build an effective awareness/education program in terms of customer education (CE) and secondly, it verifies how this can lead to improved satisfaction and whether customers find value in the education involved in these programs.


The Workshop & Special Issue of Mercati e Competitività (SIM affiliate conference) on "Consumer entrepreneurship and its reflections on branding theory and practice" will be held in Milan, at Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, on May 28, 2019.
