The changes of employee’s motivation in the crisis conditions: the case of a telecommunication company
The paper focuses its attention on changes of employee’s motivation in the crisis conditions and in the context of recession. The research, developed in 2009, used a questionnaire: its first part was grounded on F. Herzberg’s theory, who, as known, distinguished between Hygiene factors and motivation ones, in order to put in evidence what factors influence satisfaction or dissatisfaction. The second part of the questionnaire aimed at the determination of the employees’ attitude to the equity of reward accomplished and their respective potential actions. The research has been realized in one of the biggest Lithuanian telecommunication companies.
After the description of the research methodology and of its results, the paper presents some conclusions in order to the central questions. Exactly, the comparative analysis of the research results enables the following conclusions about employees’ motivation changes in the situation of crisis. In the conditions of recession, the employee motivation has a tendency to increase and job dissatisfaction to decrease on average, as well as according to individual factors distinguished in F. Herzberg theory. Moreover, the number of non-influential factors has also decreased, and the employees are more inclined to attribute them to motivating.