Sinergie - SIMA 2018 Annual Conference

Venice - Thursday, June 14, 2018 - 09:00

The Sinergie - Sima 2018 Annual Conference on the theme "Transformative business strategies and new patterns for value creation" will be hosted on 14-15 June 2018 by the University of Ca’ Foscari, Venice.

The Conference is a well-established scientific meeting that brings together scholars from the field of management to present and discuss their research in a collaborative and friendly environment. Sinergie and SIMA’s aim is to enhance the international standing of the Journal as well as to foster the contribution of Italian scholars to the international debate on management.
Sinergie and Sima invite submissions on the following topics within the specific theme of the Conference.
 What is strategy in the XXI century?
 Does strategy still make sense in turbulent times?
 Strategy at a corporate level
 Competitive strategies
 Strategy between theories and practice
 Strategy formulation process
 Deliberate and emerging strategy
 Decision-making and strategy
 Behavioral strategy
 Decision support systems, artificial intelligence and strategy
 Strategy and value-chain deconstruction
 Strategy and blurring industry boundaries
 Strategy and new business models
 Competition and collaboration in business
 Business strategies for a better world

For further information, please see the website of the event.

November 2017