Consumer Behavior in Tourism Symposium 2015 (CBTS2015)

Munich (Germany) - Wednesday, December 2, 2015 - 09:00

The eighth annual Consumer Behavior in Tourism Symposium - CBTS2015 - will take place from December 2nd to December 4th in Munich, Germany under the theme "Current Issues in Decision Making and Travel Behavior". CBTS2015 is organized by the department of Tourism, Munich University of Applied Sciences.

CBTS2015 will provide an opportunity for tourism researchers and practitioners from all over the world to exchange scientific ideas and results and discuss new and emerging directions in research and practice in the field. Theoretical or applied research contributions in the form of structured abstracts are welcome.

To keep the personal atmosphere of CBTS which allows an intense exchange among scientists, young researchers and practitioners, the number of participants will be limited at 120 registrations. Thereby the number of PhD students will be limited at 40 to keep the PhD workshop productive in a way, each PhD participant can contribute to it.

Important Dates:

Extended abstract submission deadline: October 6th, 2015
Acceptance notification: October 13th, 2015
Registration deadline (early birds): October 24th, 2015

Further information is available on the website of the event.

October 2015