ICTO 2017

Paris (France) - Thursday, March 16, 2017 - 23:45

ICTO (Information and Communication Technologies in Organizations and Society) 2017 is the third version of ICTO international conference that attracts multidisciplinary contributions on information systems from the areas of organization, management, marketing, human resources, accounting, and supply chain mainly submitted by international scholars. The Conference on the theme " ICT for a better life and a better world" will be held in Paris on March 16 and 17, 2017.

ICTO2017 is characterized by its friendly atmosphere that offers scholars the opportunity for high quality discussion and feedback, valuable networking opportunities both within the academic community and the international IS community.

Today, the role of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in shaping human activity in organizations and in society has become more and more prominent. But many decades after their introduction, the question remains: What do we know about their design, their usage, and their impact?  What have we learned after all these years of research?

This conference is concerned with these ICTs, shedding light on how they were, how they are, and how they will be understood, adopted, adapted, and used within organizations and more generally, within the society as a whole. The main focus will be on how actors understand the potential of ICTs to support organizational activities and hence how they adopt and adapt these technologies to achieve their goals.

Further information is available on the website of the event.





September 2016